remplacez votre thermopompe



The choice of an electric furnace or a gas furnace depends on various factors including energy cost, installation cost, financial incentives and your home specific needs. Electricity is relatively less expensive in Quebec compared to other regions. Natural gas can also be competitively priced. Natural gas furnaces are more energy efficient than electric furnace. The natural gas efficiency is shown by annual fuel utilisation efficiency (AFUE). However, they have more expensive installation cost.

The blower compartment usually installed with the furnace unit. This service consultancy package also includes the fan unit if required.


Service Overview

This consultancy service package includes both furnace and fan units.  To determine what type of furnace is more economical for your home, we will help you with the following questions:

  • Compare the installation cost of both systems?
  • What is the difference of the operational cost for both systems?
  • What is your home’s energy consumption for heating?
  • What are the incentive and rebate programs for each system?
Our Workflow

How it is done?

estimationclim consultancy workflow.10steps.english
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